Review data on evaporative water loss and make graph to examine differences among groups (treatments)

# Get data
data <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Run the next line of code to take a look at the data
##         Date        Location  TeamName SampleNbr Treatment Time1 Mass1 Time2
## 1  2020_0306 Artemisia patch      BMFL         1   Sun_Dry 13_52 22.13 16_58
## 2  2020_0306 Artemisia patch      JHEN         2 Shade_Dry 13_55 21.22 16_55
## 3  2020_0306 Artemisia patch Gryfindor         2   Sun_Dry 13_52 24.23 16_58
## 4  2020_0306 Artemisia patch  Dolphins         1 Shade_Dry 13_54 22.72 16_55
## 5  2020_0306 Artemisia patch Gryfindor         2 Shade_Wet 13_55 20.74 16_56
## 6  2020_0306 Artemisia patch     AMGEN         3   Sun_Wet 13_56 23.42 16_58
## 7  2020_0306 Artemisia patch      BMFL         1   Sun_Wet 13_56 20.56 16_58
## 8  2020_0306 Artemisia patch      JMRK         3 Shade_Dry 13_56 23.66 16_56
## 9  2020_0306 Artemisia patch     AMGEN         3   Sun_Dry 13_52 22.23 16_58
## 10 2020_0306 Artemisia patch      JMRK         3 Shade_Wet 13_55 22.81 16_56
## 11 2020_0306 Artemisia patch      JHEN         2   Sun_Wet 13_56 21.36 16_58
## 12 2020_0306 Artemisia patch  Dolphins         1 Shade_Wet 13_55 22.32 16_56
##    Mass2 WaterLossPct TotTimeHr WaterLossPctPerHr
## 1  18.43        16.72      3.10              5.39
## 2  20.09         5.33      3.00              1.78
## 3  19.72        18.61      3.10              6.00
## 4  21.48         5.46      3.02              1.81
## 5  19.29         6.99      3.02              2.32
## 6  20.85        10.97      3.03              3.62
## 7  17.73        13.76      3.03              4.54
## 8  20.23        14.50      3.00              4.83
## 9  17.79        19.97      3.10              6.44
## 10 21.83         4.30      3.02              1.42
## 11 18.61        12.87      3.03              4.25
## 12 21.48         3.76      3.02              1.25
# Data of interest: WaterLossPctPerHr
# (percent of water loss per hour)
# Grouping variable: Treatment

Draw a strip chart

# Below, the tilde "~" means that the first argument is a formula, and it related one variable to the other
stripchart(WaterLossPctPerHr ~ Treatment, data = data, method = "jitter", vertical = TRUE)

Draw a more detailed strip chart with options

# If you use a PC, remove the # sign in next line and add # to following line
# windows(height=5, width=6)
quartz.options(height=5, width=6)
par(oma = c(0.1,1.0,0.1,0.1))
par(bty = "l") # plot x and y axes only, not a complete box
stripchart(WaterLossPctPerHr ~ Treatment, data = data, vertical = TRUE, 
    method = "jitter", pch = 16, col = "blue", cex = 1.5, las = 1,
    ylab = "Percent of water loss (g/h)", xlab = "Treatment",
    ylim = c(0, max(data$WaterLossPctPerHr)))
# Calculate the means in each treatment group
meanWaterLossPctPerHr = tapply(data$WaterLossPctPerHr, data$Treatment, mean)
## Shade_Dry Shade_Wet   Sun_Dry   Sun_Wet 
##  2.806667  1.663333  5.943333  4.136667
# use command "segments" to draw mean values as lines
segments(x0 = c(1,2,3,4) - 0.1, y0 = meanWaterLossPctPerHr, x1 = c(1,2,3,4) + 0.1, y1 = meanWaterLossPctPerHr, lwd = 3)