Use species abundance data to draw species accumulation curves for beetle species found in bamboo and terra firme forest

# get data
data <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)
# check habitat categories
## [1] "Bamboo"     "TerraFirme"
# subset dataset by habitat
bamboo <- data[  data$Habitat == "Bamboo" , ]
terraFirme <- data[  data$Habitat == "TerraFirme" , ]

# check range of species in each habitat
## [1]  24 120
## [1]  29.51 142.00

Plot 1: sample-based and individual-based species accumulation curves

# define plot dimensions and layout
quartz.options(height=4, width=6)
par(oma = c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 2))
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 13), ylim = c(0, 150))

# set up values for bamboo (*Note that a zero was added for both x and y values)
xb  <- c(c(0,bamboo$Samples), c(rev(bamboo$Samples),0))
yb  <- c(c(0,bamboo$Sobs_95_CI_LowerBound), c(rev(bamboo$Sobs_95_CI_UpperBound),0))

# set up values for terraFirme (*Note that a zero was added for both x and y values)
xt <- c(c(0,terraFirme$Samples), c(rev(terraFirme$Samples),0))
yt <- c(c(0,terraFirme$Sobs_95_CI_LowerBound), c(rev(terraFirme$Sobs_95_CI_UpperBound),0))

# plot the polygon for each habitat:
polygon(x = xb, y = yb, col = rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255, 0.2), border = F)
polygon(x = xt, y = yt, col = rgb(0,102/255,0, 0.2), border = F)

# add species richness as a line:
lb <- lines(c(0,bamboo$Samples), c(0,bamboo$Species), col=rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255), lwd = 2)
lt <- lines(c(0,terraFirme$Samples), c(0,terraFirme$Species), col=rgb(0,102/255,0), lw = 2)

axis(1, at=seq(-1, 13, by = 1))
axis(2, at=seq(-25, 150, by=25), las=1)

mtext("Number of samples", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.9)
mtext("Number of species", side = 2, line = 2.5, cex = 0.9)


text(x=10.9, y=36, labels="Terra Firme", cex=0.9)
polygon(x=c(8,8,9,9), y=c(37, 35, 35, 37), col=rgb(0,102/255,0), border=NA) 

text(x=10.5, y=20, labels="Bamboo", cex=0.9)
polygon(x=c(8,8,9,9), y=c(21, 19, 19, 21), col=rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255), border=NA) 

# add one more label
text(x=0.5, y=145, labels="(a)", cex=1)

Plot 2: Individual-based species accumulation curve

# check range of number of individuals in each habitat (to adjust plot window)
## [1]  118.38 1539.00
## [1]  170.23 2213.00
# define plot dimensions and layout
quartz.options(height=4, width=6)
par(oma = c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))

par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 2))
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 2200), ylim = c(0, 150))

# set up values for bamboo (*Note that a zero was added for both x and y values)
xb  <- c(c(0,bamboo$Individuals), c(rev(bamboo$Individuals),0))
yb  <- c(c(0,bamboo$Sobs_95_CI_LowerBound), c(rev(bamboo$Sobs_95_CI_UpperBound),0))

# set up values for terraFirme (*Note that a zero was added for both x and y values)
xt  <- c(c(0,terraFirme$Individuals), c(rev(terraFirme$Individuals),0))
yt  <- c(c(0, terraFirme$Sobs_95_CI_LowerBound), c(rev(terraFirme$Sobs_95_CI_UpperBound),0))

# plot the polygon for each habitat:
polygon(x = xb, y = yb, col = rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255, 0.2), border = F)
polygon(x = xt, y = yt, col = rgb(0,102/255,0, 0.2), border = F)

# add species richness as a line:
lb <- lines(c(0,bamboo$Individuals), c(0,bamboo$Species), col=rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255), lwd = 2)
lt <- lines(c(0,terraFirme$Individuals), c(0,terraFirme$Species), col=rgb(0,102/255,0), lw = 2)

axis(1, at=seq(-200, 2200, by = 200))
axis(2, at=seq(-25, 150, by=25), las=1)

mtext("Number of individuals", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.9)
mtext("Number of species", side = 2, line = 2.5, cex = 0.9)


text(x=1820, y=36, labels="Terra Firme", cex=0.9)
polygon(x=c(1350,1350,1520,1520), y=c(37, 35, 35, 37), col=rgb(0,102/255,0), border=NA) 

text(x=1760, y=20, labels="Bamboo", cex=0.9)
polygon(x=c(1350,1350,1520,1520), y=c(21, 19, 19, 21), col=rgb(173/255,255/255,47/255), border=NA) 

# add one more label
text(x=100, y=145, labels="(b)", cex=1)